Queer Ecologies Community
Burlington, VT

illustration of a spotted salamander

film photograph of painted turtle
film photograph of wild blackberries
film photograph of a southern magnolia blossom

QEB Community

QEB began in Spring 2016 as a reading group on queer ecologies & collective liberation, and we stay true to these roots: we are nerdy queers eager to share academic resources and support local groups bring these conversations to their communities.

Cultivate a "node" in your community: reach out to friends, family, and neighbors to get together regularly to read, watch, listen resources from our lists, and gather together to share, process, and imagine how to bring this work into your own lives and work.

What are "queer ecologies" exactly? And how does this relate to collective liberation?

This is what we want to find out.

How is a place, a home, an ecology, related to identities, bodies, and actions? What does it mean for something to be "natural" and what is a "natural body"? What are the similarities and differences- the intersections and the incommensurabilities- between the ways that our bodies and our lands are stolen from us; the ways borders and binaries are built between us; the ways that science and the state investigate and manage us? What healing could be possible in reweaving the tattered threads of our relationships? What does it mean for us to launch a queer ecological movement for collective liberation?

What are you qurious about?