Workshops & Volunteer Opportunities

Pandemic as Portal: Queer Resilience in the era of Climate Change

wooden structure by body of water

March 9, 2024

Pandemic as Portal is a nine-week series sponsored by the Spring Creek Project and Oregon State University featuring visionary thinkers who are imagining the world anew as it reconfigures in the midst of the pandemic. Each speaker will explore their highest vision of environmental and social justice, think about the crucial steps we can take as individuals and communities to bring that vision to life, and share stories of how this new paradigm is already taking shape.

Queer Ecologies! An LGBTQ Mixer at Bioneers

wooden structure by body of water

October 19, 2023

* Second annual event! *
What does the queer ecological future feel like? Sound like? Taste like? Join us for a prideful celebration as we step into that future together. Through an evening of visionary music, art, performance, and community conversation, we will celebrate the biological exuberance of this queer earth, honor the legacies of survival and resilience of our LGBTQ history, explore the impact of climate change on our communities, and dream-up together how we build that queer ecological future where all beings survive and thrive.
Sponsored by Abundant Earth Foundation, Queer Ecojustice Project, The California Allegory, Lead to Life, Our Climate Voices and #Queers4ClimateJustice!

Building Resilient Communities Convergence: Building Bridges, Creating Connections, Increasing Resilience

wooden structure by body of water

Sept. 19th 2023

Panel: Permaculture addresses some of the most effective solutions to some of the world’s most urgent problems. Yet the movement has not gone mainstream yet. This panel looks at some innovative approaches to building bridges with other sectors and audiences, from governments to the LBGT community to emergency preparedness.